Data Collection in Quantitative & Qualitative Research | Resolution Research | Denver Colorado

> Data Collection

As a high-tech research firm, we conduct all telephone and Internet surveys in-house via computer workstations. Computer-assisted telephone interviewing, or CATI, offers numerous benefits:

  • The computer automatically dials the potential respondent’s phone number, displaying his/her name, address and telephone number on the monitor, tracking the result of each call. If the respondent is not available, the system automatically flags a more appropriate time for the interview and re-schedules it.
  • Call tracking not only allows for advanced scheduling and database management, but provides a complete profile of your market. For example, it could tell you that, for every 20 potential clients in a region, 5 are buyers. Or, it could help update your database by amending invalid phone numbers. In this sample, there were 700 disconnected numbers and 700 wrong numbers, representing 14% of the database. Resolution Research can correct that by helping update your database with our database management systems. This sample also reveals an attrition rate of about 10%.

    *The data contained herein is solely for illustrative purposes and in no way represents actual data gathered from clients.
  • Respondents’ answers and names can be inserted in the questionnaire for more thoughtful, probing inquiries. For example, a respondent answered that her cell phone usage was 30 minutes per month and her bill was . The computer could configure and insert the per minute amount in the next question for the interviewer, allowing easy cost comparisons and fully illustrating the financial advantages of switching services.
  • Our CATI system helps prevent errors as it prompts the researcher to ask correct questions based upon built-in skip patterns written especially for your survey. This supports extremely complicated questioning patterns, branching, and multiple survey designs for the same project.
  • CATI offers quick survey verification. Our ever-present supervisors call back about 15% of all respondents to ensure the highest accuracy possible.
  • Data is automatically and instantaneously recorded into your confidential database. This information database remains on file, permitting future analyses or advanced market trending.


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